A question…

A thread on a message board got me to thinking about what I’ve been thinking about for a while, abandoning the news game and going into production, which I know I’ve always wanted to do. I would think that people have done this before, so I am fairly confident that I can do so. The problem is, I don’t want to do it right now, but I don’t want to continue being an intern coming up on a critical time in my education… the final three semesters.

Does everyone think a year worth of internship experience is about right, combined with my college projects (which I will share with you guys soon)?

The plan right now is to work until Mid-July, call it a year, and go back out to LA for a couple of weeks in late July/early August. I plan to go back to Price, even if there is a new host there (and CBS had better choose wisely). Also, plan on seeing a lot of other TV-related stuff while out there… mainly going back to Jeopardy and/or Wheel, other audiences, etc.

More to come on that.

Ciao for now…

2 comments on “A question…

  1. A year of interning plus your college products are excellent for you to still be in school. Most internships are a few months (usually a semester or that summer), and the fact that you have hands-on experience as a producer speaks volumes. I did two consecutive summer internships and a few news packages. You can only cut but so many packages to show what you’ve learned!

    Then again, our TV department was extremely restrictive in that we only put on a newscast…which the campus never saw despite the ambitions of the professors. 😛 But I’ll save that for a personal bitch post blog entry.

    • I agree with that. All I’ve done in this internship is videography/editing. I have had to gather some news, but reporting is most certainly not my bag.

      I hate one man banding, but if the powers that be want to be cheap (as is the case at most smaller market stations), than so be it.

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