Sleep Update – July 20th

I have been using my CPAP machine for two weeks now.  Every night seems to be a little better than the previous one.  Most nights so far, I have had to take a pill to help get me to sleep.  Nothing prescription strength, just either Diphenhydramine or a generic Unisom.

Last night, I was finally able to get to sleep on my own without the need of a sleep aid.  I slept for a good 7 hours.  I woke up feeling a little groggy, but otherwise in great shape.

I can’t begin to tell you how much the sleep therapy has helped me out so far.  I’m finally able for the first time in at least 10 years sleep in a bed lying down.  That in and of itself helps me out tremendously to getting my life back on track to where I need to be!

As I continue to get more comfortable with using my CPAP machine, I can only imagine that I’ll eventually sleep a full 8 hours soundly.